
UPDATE: Akaun UK bagi Projek CORKMOSQUE FUNDRAISING telah dibuka. Sila ‘scroll’ ke bawah untuk maklumat akaun. (23/09/08)

UPDATE: Jumlah terkini dalam akaun CORKMOSQUE FUND sehingga 27 Ogos 2008 adalah 6240.29e.

UPDATE: Jumlah terkini dalam akaun CORKMOSQUE FUND sehingga 23 April 2008 adalah 4343.74e.

Assalamualaikum wbt,

Thanks and Welcome to our blog. This is an official webblog promoting our Mega Project this year, Cork Mosque Fund Raising Project. Feel free to click any links under the heading of Pages to know more about this project. We do include the vision & mision of this project and futher explaination of the situation which brought us to initiate this project.

Please leave any comments and we will get back to you later. We are very appreciated your visit here and at the most glad if you can help us in achieving the target .May Allah rewards you for all the kindness and generosity.


“Who ever builds a Masjid for Allah, Allah will Build for him a similar House in Paradise” (Bukhari and Muslim)

A little bit about this project:

Cork Mosque Fund Raising Project is a project initiated by PPMC (Cork Malaysians Student Society) but work out by all Malaysians in Cork. Everyone have their own role to play in order to reach the target.

Cork Mosque Committee Member need 1.6million to be able to buy the property which later will be used as Cork Mosque.

Thus, we planned a few ways in raising the money including:

  • Standing Order Programme

  • Donation @ Sponsorship

  • 1c, 2c & 5c Money Box

  • Bucket Collection

  • Bazar (food selling)

  • Charity Sport & Recreational Activity

  • Ukhuwah Fillah Quiz

All collections and money will be keep in the official Cork Mosque Fund Account hold by Malaysians student.

Untuk warga Ireland:


ACCOUNT NAME: Cork Mosque Fund



Untuk warga UK:


ACCOUNT NAME: Tabung Satu Hati



And we will keep you to date regarding the project i.e the donor, money raise so far, our coming activity & events contributing for this project through this blog. If you have any comments and suggestions, do contact us at ppmcork[at]yahoo.ie.


11 Responses to “About”

  1. steady r blog ni kak..!! kudos..!!!

    kamon everyone..!!!! lets give a help to this honourable project…!!!
    come n join the events organised by PPMC..~
    dont forget 2 donate too..~ hahaha..~

  2. Assalamualaikum. Alhamdulillah atas usaha PPMC utk dana Masjid. Cuma kalau boleh tuker font yg besar sedikit pasal agak sukar untuk baca. jzkk.

  3. Tahniah kepada mem besar di atas usahanya membuat blog ini. diharapkan semua dapat mengheboh2kan blog ini kepada org ramai utk memaksimumkan penggunaannya. jom rebut peluang ini untuk menderma~~ (^.^)Y

  4. As salaamu alaikum,

    Jazaakumullah khair to PPMC and MCS!!
    Big ups!

    Can’t wait for the updates on the amount we have so far =D

  5. salam..erm..kalau org uk..camne nak donate..? boleh ke transfer guna bank uk?,,tak kena charge?

  6. Kami di Pihak Komiti CorkmosqueFund masih berusaha untuk membuka satu akaun di UK.Insyaallah sekiranya semuanya berjalan lancar, kami akan maklumkan dan warkan kepada semua. Untuk transfer duit dari akaun Uk ke akaun Corkmosque fund, mmg boleh..cumanya akan dikenakan sedikit charge.wallahua’lam

  7. Askom, account bank UK dah ade lom tuk donation nih ??

  8. Belum,masih dalam proses.

  9. maaf ye, acc UK mash dalam proses..ambil masa lame sket sbb nak set up kat tmpt org kan..borg setup acc tu dalam perjalanan ke ire utk disahkan leh ahli komiti di sini..tp thanks sbb bertnya =) i will give updte as soon as acc tu berjaya disetup..

  10. Assalamualaikum,
    Any updates on the amount we have so far? =)

  11. Assalamualaikum,

    Minta maaf sbb br nak update pasal acc Cork Mosque..setakat 27/8, duit dalam 6240.29euro..acc Uk dah buka, tp kene tunggu smpai pemegang yg kat UK blk ke UK (skarang dia kat msia)..

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